About Intercranial Stenting

To treat intracranial stenosis, or intracranial dissections, RIA neurovascular physicians access the arteries using an ultra-minimally-invasive technique.

The technique leaves the patient with a very small (three to five millimeter) incision usually over the right hip or wrist arteries. We treat these using a series of small tubular-shaped devices called catheters by steering them through the arteries of the abdomen, chest, and into the head and neck area. This is all accomplished using a special IV dye, as well as X-ray images that physicians can see immediately.

A stent and/or a balloon will be used to help open the area causing problems.

A stent is a permanent device that pins down the atherosclerotic plaque and opens the narrowing. As mentioned above, a large portion of patients with these conditions will be emergently admitted and will require further medical management by the neurology team. However, if this is done as an outpatient procedure, individuals are closely monitored in the ICU overnight and usually discharged the next morning.

Please see “Intracranial Stenosis and Dissections” for more information pertaining to these conditions.

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